
May 11, 2023

Web Design Faux Pas: 2023 Edition


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With 2022 over, it's time to make room for the new — especially when it comes to web design, which is continually evolving with new technologies popping up year after year. As web design trends are constantly evolving, it's a must to stay current with the latest design practices to keep your site fresh and relevant.

We're about to wrap up 2022 reports, so now's the time to learn from the past and avoid common web design mistakes or faux pas that can harm your website's performance. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the most prevalent mistakes that web designers could make in 2023 and help you impress users by presenting nine web design trends you should embrace this year. 

Web Design Stats You Should Know in 2023

  • A website's design is the primary factor in determining a company's authority, according to nearly half of internet users.
  • Adobe reports that 59% of internet users prefer to browse gorgeous and well-designed websites over basic ones.
  • Neil Patel reports that 57% of customers will not recommend businesses with mediocre or bad-looking websites.
  • A Launch North report shows that visitors are 67% more inclined to make a purchase from a mobile-friendly website.

Outdated Design Elements & Strategies To Avoid

It only takes the slightest flaw in the design to turn users away. To avoid giving your website a dated aesthetic, we recommend staying away from design elements such as Flash animations and other deprecated technologies. It is also recommended not to overuse stock photos or clutter layouts with too much information. Instead, opt for contemporary design trends that are both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

Here below are elements and design techniques you want to steer clear of in 2023.

Overuse of Pop-ups and Ads

Pop-ups and ads can be a real pain for website visitors and may negatively interfere with your website's user experience. Avoid using advertisements or pop-ups in excess and ensure that they don't interfere with the website's content or navigation.

Inconsistent Navigation

A logical and intuitive navigation menu is key to helping visitors find what they are searching for on your website. A messy layout with too many details can overwhelm visitors and hinder their ability to find what they want. Consequently, poor navigation bedevils customers and causes them to leave. 

A well-organized and structured layout with a defined hierarchy can make it easier for visitors to get around the website and discover what they're looking for. Avoid using complex or confusing navigation options, and make sure your pages have consistent navigation.

Lack of Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

CTAs are essential for encouraging users to take the intended action on your website, whether it's ordering something, signing up to receive emails, or submitting a contact form. Ensure that your website has clear and prominent CTAs that are easy to find and use.

Poor Use of White Space

White space is essential for creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing design. Keep away from crowded layouts and ensure that your website's design makes appropriate use of white space to create an elegant and sophisticated look.

Poor Font Choices

Fonts are an important aspect of web design and can greatly impact your website's readability and attractiveness. Make sure you don't use too many different fonts, and ensure that they are legible and easy to read.

Overuse of Stock Images

Stock images can be a convenient way to catch users' attention and add character to your website, but overusing them can make it look generic and unoriginal. Consider using custom images or illustrations on your website to add a sense of personalization, since most users prefer that today.

Lack of Accessibility Features

Accessibility is important for guaranteeing that all users can view and use your website, regardless of their abilities. Make sure your website includes accessibility features such as alt tags for images, keyboard navigation, and the proper heading use.

Poor Use Of Color

According to PR Newswire, when visiting websites, 39% of users are captivated by color more than other elements.

Color can greatly impact the mood and tone of your website. However, improper color choices can also be a major faux pas: they make a website difficult to read and appear amateurish. Avoid using too many bright or clashing colors, and keep your website's color scheme uniform and in harmony. Choosing a color scheme that is easy on the eyes and complements the content can improve the overall user experience.

Lack Of Personality

Your website is a reflection of your brand, and lacking personality can make it seem bland and boring. It's worth adding unique touches to your websites such as your own illustrations or an original color scheme to distinguish it from the competition and reflect your brand's personality.

Poor Website Performance

Often, web designers make the mistake of neglecting the role of poor website performance. Slow loading times, broken links, and error messages can frustrate your visitors and lead to high bounce rates. Optimizing images and reducing file sizes will help speed up load times and keep visitors on your site longer. 

Make sure your website is optimized for speed and hire a professional to regularly check for broken links and errors to ensure the best user experience.

Inconsistent Branding

Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers, so it's imperative to ensure your branding is uniform across all pages. Inconsistent branding and design, such as using different typefaces or colors on different pages, can make your site appear sloppy and difficult to navigate. Using a single design and style throughout the website creates a cohesive and polished look, even if you want your theme to be chaotic and futuristic.

Ignoring SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for improving website visibility and driving traffic. Failing to optimize your website for search engines may lead to low rankings, making it more challenging for your target audience to find you online. Make sure to optimize your website for SEO by using relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions. 

At JM&Co, we firmly believe that pairing design services with research-backed SEO gives you a winning combination that’s proven to get results. Check out our web design services page to learn more.

Poor Mobile Experience

In addition to designing your website for desktop users, the increasing use of smartphone devices makes it a necessity to provide a great mobile experience. It has become increasingly common for users to access websites via mobile devices, and an unresponsive mobile site leads not only to difficulty navigating but also to high bounce rates. Make sure your website is optimized for mobile users by using responsive design and optimizing your mobile content.

Ignoring User Feedback

One of the key elements of web design is understanding users' preferences and expectations. Ignoring user feedback can lead to a subpar experience for users and lower engagement. Make sure to regularly gather user feedback through surveys, user testing, and other methods, and use it to improve your website.

Design Trends To Embrace In 2023

Some design trends that you should embrace include minimalist design with ample white space, individualized illustrations and visuals, the use of bold typography and creative fonts, and interactive elements and motion graphics. These trends set your website apart from the rest and leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

In this section, we've outlined some trends worth watching in the world of web design, ranging from interactive multimedia to asymmetrical layouts and beyond.

Dark Mode Switch

Dark mode designs have been gaining popularity over the past few years, and this trend is set to continue in 2023. Designs that allow switching to dark modes not only give your audience a sense of exclusivity and give them something to remember, but they can also reduce eye strain and improve battery life on devices with OLED screens.

Immersive & Interactive Multimedia

With advancements in technology, immersive multimedia experiences such as 360-degree videos and virtual reality (VR) are becoming more accessible to web designers. In 2023, we can expect to see more websites using these types of multimedia to create engaging and interactive experiences for users.

Personalized Illustrations & Animations

Custom illustrations and animations can add an individual touch to a website thereby making it more appealing to visitors. In 2023, we can expect more websites using custom illustrations and animations to create memorable user experiences.

Responsive Design

Responsive design has been around for several years now, but it remains a major trend in web design for 2023. With the increasing use of mobile devices, it's more important than ever to ensure that websites are optimized for different screen sizes and devices.

Use of Gradients

Gradients have been a popular trend in web design for a few years now, and they are set to persist in 2023. Gradients can add depth and visual interest to a website's design and are useful in a wide variety of design applications.


Minimalism is a timeless trend in web design that focuses on simplicity and clarity. In 2023, we can expect to see more websites adopting a minimalistic approach to design, with clean layouts, simple typography, and ample white space.

Bold Typography

Typography is an essential design element that can dramatically alter a website's appearance and atmosphere. In 2023, we expect to see more websites using bold typography to create a strong visual impact and draw attention to key information.

Asymmetrical Layouts

Asymmetrical layouts are on the rise, and they will continue to grow in 2023. Asymmetrical layouts can enhance visual appeal and create an intriguing look, but it's imperative that they're designed and executed professionally so they still maintain a sense of balance and harmony.

3D Graphics & Effects

With the increasing use of powerful graphics cards and browsers, 3D graphics and effects are becoming more accessible to web designers. In 2023, there will be an increased number of websites using 3D graphics and effects to create visually stunning and engaging experiences.


Although the internet is digital, it comes at a physical cost. It doesn't matter what we choose for our web work, from image files to colors to programming languages and servers, the result is that we will use a lot of energy and emit a lot of carbon dioxide. With growing awareness of climate change and environmental issues, sustainability is becoming a major trend in web design.

In 2023, we will hopefully witness a greater number of sites adopting sustainable practices to reduce carbon emissions and lower environmental costs.


Pixel art and pixel fonts – a not-so-new design concept – are returning as a trend. This fad was originally an engineering necessity at the dawn of computing but has since evolved into an aesthetic as Y2K makes its comeback. As of late, designers have been embellishing fonts, icons, and images through pixelation.

Mobile Design Best Practices

Did you know that 60.67% of website traffic originates from mobile devices, and 92.3% of internet users access the internet through their mobile devices? 

With the majority of web traffic coming from smartphones, it's only logical to tailor your website to accommodate mobile users. Among the mobile design best practices to follow are responsive design and a mobile-first approach, touch-friendly navigation and controls, and simplified layouts for smaller screens.

Thumb-Friendly Navigation

Mobile devices are typically used with one hand, so it's imperative to ensure that navigation is easy to use with a thumb. In 2023, there will most likely be more websites with thumb-friendly navigation, such as a drop-down menu located in the middle or bottom of the screen.

Faster Load Times

Mobile users are often on the go and have limited time, so web pages should load quickly for them. In 2023, there will be more designers optimizing their websites for faster load times. This is done by reducing the number of requests, compressing images, and using content delivery networks (CDNs).

Gestural Interfaces

As mobile devices become more advanced, gestural interfaces also become more widespread. Gesture interfaces allow users to interact with a website using gestures such as swiping, tapping, or shaking the device. 2023 will see an increase in websites using gestural interfaces to create an intuitive and engaging user experience.


Accessibility is important for all websites, but it's particularly important for mobile devices. A website that is not accessible, even if it is optimized for mobile, prevents millions of users with visual, auditory, mobility, or cognitive disabilities from accessing it. Accessibility will be a major focus in 2023, with designers using clear and legible fonts, high-contrast colors, and designing for users with disabilities.

Ux And Usability Considerations

Creating a positive user experience is key to keeping your visitors engaged and increasing your ranking on search engines. To improve your website's UX and usability, we recommend conducting user testing, using a user-centered design approach, and avoiding common usability mistakes such as slow loading times and confusing navigation.

Here's Why Professional Web Design Services Are Essential For Businesses

Seeking professional web design services has numerous benefits for businesses and individuals. From improved user experience and SEO to custom design and mobile optimization, a professional web designer can create a website that meets a business or individual's specifications.

Here are some reasons why businesses and individuals should seek out web design services:

  • Better User Experience: Professional web designers have the skills and knowledge to create easy-to-use websites. They understand the importance of user-friendly design and can ensure that the website is optimized for a satisfying user experience.
  • Improved SEO: Professional web designers have experience in search engine optimization (SEO), which is essential for improving a website's visibility in search engines. They can ensure that the website is search engine-friendly and that it meets the latest SEO standards.
  • Custom Design: Highly skilled web designers are able to create a custom design that fits the different demands of a business or individual. They can create an innovative and visually striking website that stands out from competitors and reflects the brand's personality.
  • Time-Saving: Designing a website can be time-consuming, especially for those who are not familiar with web design. By hiring a professional web designer, businesses and individuals can save time and focus on other aspects of their business or personal lives.
  • Improved Credibility: A well-designed website can help establish credibility and trust with potential customers or clients. A design that is well thought out reflects positively on the business or individual and can help them compete effectively with their competitors.
  • Technical Support: Qualified and highly-trained web designers can provide technical support and maintenance for the website, ensuring its proper functioning and is always up-to-date. This can save businesses and individuals the hassle of dealing with technical issues and ensure that the website runs smoothly.


In conclusion, by following these tips and avoiding common web design faux pas, you can create a sleek, more dynamic, and user-friendly website that makes a lasting impression in 2023. By focusing on a clean and organized layout, intuitive navigation, fast load times, mobile optimization, consistent design, proper color choices, and accessibility, businesses and individuals can create a website that caters to their specific needs and objectives.

We hope this blog post has been helpful, and we encourage you to implement these design tips to improve your website's performance. 

Remember that it is not uncommon for web designers to commit simple errors that damage website performance, even when they are very experienced. A team, however, works differently. Here at JM&Co., our global design team boasts unmatched expertise in designing visually appealing websites that catch the eyes of your ideal customers. As a specialized digital marketing agency, we’ll make sure to design your marketing campaign according to your industry needs.  

Let's talk about your web design needs and we'll make it happen, whether it's an improvement to the current look or a complete overhaul.

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