
January 22, 2019

How to Increase Facebook Ad Relevance Score to Reduce Advertising Cost


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We will be talking about Facebook ads and their relevance score in this article. Ever wonder why it’s so important for your business?

Simply put, the higher the relevance score, the lower the cost.

As Facebook’s organic reach is decreased due to its new algorithm to generate more ad revenue, paid ads have become a major tool for content marketing on the world’s biggest social network. Facebook ads are the easiest way to reach your target audience and publicize your messages, so it's obvious marketers will want to take advantage of this opportunity.

Now comes the tricky part.

The space for Facebook ads is limited and there are a limitless number of advertisers vying for that space. The only way to win this extremely competitive game is with a higher relevance score.

What is the Facebook ad relevance score?

The Facebook ad relevance score acts like a quality meter. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), Facebook tells you how relevant your ads appear for your audience. An ad’s relevance score of 8 suggests that it's working better than an ad with a score of 5.

You can see your ad’s relevance score in the Ads Manager dashboard once it reaches 500 impressions.

  • Go to Columns
  • Select Customize Columns from the drop-down menu
  • Check the Relevance Score option

Remember, the score is associated with each individual ad and not with campaigns or ad sets. You can view the relevance score in the Ads column.

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How Facebook calculates the ad relevance score

There are a number of factors that play a crucial role in deciding your ad's relevance score.

Positive signals: Even though Facebook doesn't reveal its algorithm to measure positive signals, it is understood that actions like Share, Likes, and Comments, a higher CTR, and higher campaign objective register as positive signals.

Negative signals: Actions like Reports or Hides count as negative actions. If your audience takes any of these actions to make sure they don't see your ads, Facebook considers it a negative signal.

Why ad relevance scores matter

  • Higher ad relevance score suggests that your ad is meeting the target audience's expectations and appears relevant to them.
  • Also, it’s directly related to your ad cost. Ads with a higher relevance score tend to cost less because Facebook prefers to show relevant content to its users. On the contrary, if your ads have a lower relevance score, your ad costs go higher.

How to improve Facebook ad relevance scores

Less is more: Remember, even your most loyal fan can get annoyed seeing your ads again and again within a limited period of time. If he sees the same content too many times a day, he might take negative actions against the ad. Moreover, if something doesn't seem to be relevant at first glance, chances are that it may have already failed to impress your audience.

Be sure to follow the golden rule: don't show an ad too many times.

There are multiple ways to address this issue.

1.    Adjust the frequency cap: This is an option to control the number of times the audience sees your ads. However, you are the best judge to decide the magic number for your marketing goals. You can also increase the frequency cap if you begin to see a good response, or lower the number if you notice otherwise.

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2.    Exclude people who have already seen your ads: You may not want to show your ads to people who have already seen them or who have already been converted. Go to the Audience section of your ads and explore the options under "Exclude."

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This is the most convenient way to maximize your advertising budget on the right people.

3.    Create fresh ads: In order to keep things interesting for your audience and to avoid user fatigue, create fresh ads at regular intervals. Let's jump to the next point to find out how to create an epic user experience with your ads.

Offer the best user experience: If your ads fail to stand out in the crowded online pool of content, you will lose money and resources. Strive to create unmissable designs and copy to stun your target audience.

4.    High-quality graphics: Amaze your audience with the stunning graphics. Use quality, high-definition images with little or no text. According to Facebook's algorithm, ads with little or no text receive higher reach. So, use relevant images to convey your message.

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5.    Copy that’s clear and to the point: Facebook allows a limited amount of space for ad copy. So, use it wisely. Make the copy clear and easy for your audience to understand. If your objective is Likes, make it clear with your copy. If you are looking for specific post engagement, make sure to give a good reason for your audience to engage with the post. If you are selling something, state that clearly.

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6.    Create your buyer persona: Every brand has one or more buyer personas. It’s important to take these personas into consideration when designing advertising content. Go to Facebook Audience Insights to build your buyer persona. There are four areas to consider here: Demographics, Page Likes, Location, and Activity. From the data derived from these four categories, you will gain insight into your audience's persona.

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For example, if the majority of your audience is married, you should concentrate on creating content that addresses the pain points of married people at various ages.

7.    A/B test: This never fails. Always test what works better with your target audience. Test with different images, different copy, and different audience targeting. This is the best way to find out what your audience finds the most relevant.

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For example, an ad that works well with 35-year-old working professionals, may not work with students. Perform A/B tests with different elements to find out what suits your different audiences.

8.    Tighten your ad audience and schedule: Many marketers think that the greater the audience, the better the performance. Wrong. If you are showing your ads to absolutely everyone, you are wasting hard-earned money.

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Target ads to a relevant audience who would want to engage with your content. Marketing ads to anyone and everyone not only wastes your time and money, but also affects your relevance score.

Also, another helpful tip is to research the times when your audience is active on the platform or when your ads perform better. Analyze the numbers based on your previous campaigns, and run new campaigns when the chances of conversion are at their highest.

9.    Promise what you have is in store: Stay away from false promises, or to state it more clearly, from becoming clickbait. Consumers need to be able to trust your ads or you will lose all credibility. If you advertise a product, it needs to be in your store’s inventory.

Remember, the ad relevance score is mostly based on user feedback. Clickbait can ruin everything for you. There is nothing more frustrating to a consumer than clicking on an ad and not being able to purchase what was offered. Whether it’s the image, copy, or description, be sure to show exactly what you have to offer.

Let's take a look at a great ad.

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This ad delivered exactly what it promised. This is the first rule for being relevant to your users.

Conclusion: The essence of a good relevance score is a positive user experience. Make sure your ads never fail to provide an excellent user experience in order to make the score work for you.

We hope this article answers most of your queries about Facebook ad score relevance. If you have something you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us….

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